Kamis, Desember 11, 2008

Kamar Bayi Aman dan Nyaman

Kamar Bayi Aman dan Nyaman


Boks bayi (baby crib) dan meja ganti (changing station) wajib ada di kamar bayi, ditambah kursi nyaman untuk si ibu.

Menanti kelahiran sang buah hati menjadi saat yang menyenangkan bagi setiap ibu. Termasuk berburu pernak-pernik bayi dan menyiapkan kamar sang bayi.

Kita perlu menciptakan suasana tenang dan nyaman di dalam kamar bayi. Tidak saja penting bagi si bayi, tapi juga si ibu. Karena hampir sembilan puluh persen waktu dipergunakan bayi untuk tidur dan ibu untuk menyusui.

Changing station

Kebutuhan bayi yang harus ada di dalam kamarnya adalah boks bayi (baby crib) dan meja ganti (changing station). Boks bayi harus memiliki pagar untuk menjaga bayi tidak jatuh. Lengkapi juga dengan kelambu untuk melindungi bayi dari nyamuk dan debu.

Di dekat boks bisa diletakkan meja ganti, sebaiknya berupa satu set meja berlaci (dresser drawer). Bagian atas meja dialasi bantalan empuk atau matras untuk tempat bayi ditidurkan. Sedangkan laci-laci di bawahnya untuk menyimpan pakaian, popok dan perlengkapan lain. “Dengan demikian si ibu bisa mengambil perlengkapan tanpa perlu berpindah tempat sambil tetap bisa menjaga bayinya,” ujar Ayu Sawitri Joddy, seorang desainer interior jebolan IKJ (Institut Kesenian Jakarta).

Jika memungkinkan, letak kamar bayi sebaiknya dekat kamar mandi agar mudah mengambil air untuk keperluan mandi sang bayi. Sementara buat si ibu sediakan tempat yang nyaman untuk menyusui. Bisa berupa sofa tunggal dengan stool (tempat penyangga kaki) atau sebuah daybed.

Jika si ibu merasa nyaman berbaring, tempatkan saja satu tempat tidur tunggal berdekatan dengan boks bayi. Untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhan itu luasan kamar yang dibutuhkan minimal 2 x 2 meter persegi.

Warna untuk stimulasi

Kamar juga perlu dirancang untuk memberi stimulasi yang baik bagi bayi. Pada dasarnya bayi berusia 0-6 bulan hanya bisa melihat segala sesuatu secara hitam putih. Menerapkan warna-warna primer seperti merah, biru, pink, hitam dan putih, dianggap cukup baik untuk melatih penglihatan bayi. Kita bisa mengaplikasikannya sebagai aksen pada kamar bayi. Misalnya, untuk warna tirai, sprei, wallpaper, atau mainan yang digantung dekat boks bayi.

Sementara sapuan warna untuk keseluruhan dinding sebaiknya tetap yang berkesan lembut dan hangat seperti warna-warna pastel. “Hindari warna kuning menyolok karena terlalu terang hingga bisa membuat pusing,” kata wanita cantik yang mengelola konsultan dan kontraktor arsitektur serta interior PT Terra Wastu Kanaka itu.

Meski tidak mengenali warna, bayi cukup peka terhadap benda-benda di sekitarnya. Kita dapat menghadirkan figur-figur kartun dan gambar binatang pada motif wall paper, atau mural (lukisan) pada salah satu dinding, untuk menarik matanya. Tapi, sebaiknya jangan terlalu berlebihan.

Harus aman

Ayu menyarankan untuk menyiapkan kamar bayi sedikitnya dua atau tiga bulan sebelum bayi lahir. Pasalnya, bau cat atau zat kimia lain yang masih baru bisa berbahaya buat bayi dan mengganggu kenyamanan ibunya.

Pastikan juga bahan kimia untuk cat dinding maupun bahan finishing untuk boks bayi dan furnitur lainnya tidak beracun (nontoxic). ”Paling penting untuk bayi adalah safety, safety dan safety,” paparnya.

Lokasi kamar bayi sebaiknya di bagian rumah yang tidak bersisian langsung dengan jalan. Agar tidak terlalu bising dan mengurangi masuknya polusi udara.

Usahakan letak boks bayi tidak dekat jendela agar terhindar dari sinar terang langsung terutama saat bayi tidur siang hari. Jika ada jendela besar, tutup dengan tirai yang bisa mengurangi terang sinar yang masuk.

Sebaiknya lantai kamar bayi tidak dilapisi karpet secara penuh karena bisa menyimpan debu dan dapat menimbulkan bakteri. Sama dampaknya jika kita memenuhi kamar bayi dengan banyak boneka. Karena itu cukup tempatkan karpet lepas pada lokasi tertentu, misalnya diantara boks bayi dan meja ganti. Halimatussadiyah

Tips Memilih Furnitur untuk Bayi

  • Sebaiknya pilih ranjang bayi dengan bentuk fleksibel supaya bisa disesuaikan dengan perkembangan anak.
  • Pilih furnitur dari bahan kayu utuh (solid) yang lebih kuat dan tahan lama.
  • Boks bayi wajib memiliki pagar samping. Perhatikan jarak antar batang pagarnya, sebaiknya tidak lebih dari enam sentimeter agar bayi tidak lolos.
  • Finishing furnitur harus halus, tidak ada tekstur kasar. Pastikan tidak ada paku yang menonjol keluar.
  • Pilih furnitur yang ujung-ujungnya membulat atau melengkung, bukan yang menyudut tajam agar tidak berbahaya bagi bayi.
  • Ukuran kasur atau matras harus pas dengan ukuran bidang boks bayi sehingga tidak terbentuk jarak antara kasur dan boks.

Packing list for the hospital or birth center

Packing list for the hospital or birth center

Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board
Last updated: July 2008

You may want to pack two small bags for the hospital or birth center: one for the items you'll need during labor and another for items that you won't need until after you give birth. Here's a list of things that experienced moms recommend packing. You may also want to ask your caregiver, childbirth educator, or doula for tips on what to bring.

For labor

• Your birth plan.

• Your insurance card and any hospital paperwork you need.

• Your eyeglasses, if you need any. Even if you usually wear contacts, you'll probably need or want to take them out at some point during your stay.

• Toiletries. Include items you might want during labor and your postpartum stay, such as lip balm, a toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, a brush and comb, and makeup, if it's important to you. Hospitals will have soap, shampoo, and lotion, but you might prefer your own brands. Don't forget a hair band and barrettes, if you think you might want them.

• A bathrobe, nightgown, slippers, and a couple of pairs of socks. Hospitals provide gowns for you to use during labor and afterward, but most will allow you to wear your own clothes if you prefer. Choose something loose and comfortable that you don't mind getting ruined.

You'll need to wear a gown instead of pants so that your practitioner can check your cervix. Choose one that's either sleeveless or has short, loose sleeves so your blood pressure can be checked easily and so you can slip the gown off without difficulty if you want to change and have an IV in place.

You might also want to bring your own slippers and robe for walking around during the early stages of labor. If you don't want to risk soiling your robe, you can ask for a second hospital gown to wear as a robe to cover your backside.

• Something light to read, if you're so inclined. (This might be especially helpful if you're heading to the hospital to be induced and might be there quite a while before you have any serious contractions to deal with.)

• Massage oils or lotions, music, an extra pillow, whatever you need to help you relax. (If you do bring your own pillow, be sure to use a patterned or colorful pillowcase so it doesn't get mixed up with the hospital's.) Consider bringing tennis balls or a rolling pin in case you have back labor and need them for massage.

• Talismans, a picture of someone or something you love, anything you find reassuring.

For your partner/labor coach

• Money for parking and change for vending machines.

• A few basic toiletries, such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant.

• A change of clothes.

• Some snacks and something to read during the early stages.

• A camera/video camera with memory card and batteries (or film or tape). Someone has to document the big event! (Note: Not all hospitals allow videotaping of the birth itself, but there's usually no rule against taping during labor or after the birth.)

• A bathing suit. If your partner wants to take a bath or shower during labor, you may want to jump in with her.


• A fresh nightgown, if you prefer to wear your own.

• Snacks! After many hours of labor, you're likely to be pretty hungry, and you don't want to have to rely on the hospital's food. So bring your own — crackers, fresh or dried fruit, nuts, granola bars, or whatever you think you'll enjoy. A bottle of nonalcoholic champagne might be fun for celebrating, too.

• A nursing bra, breast pads, and maternity underwear. Chances are, whatever underwear you do wear the first few days will get stained, even with sanitary pads (which the hospital provides).

• Your address book and prepaid phone card or cell phone. After the baby's born you'll want to call family and friends to let them know the good news. Some hospitals don't allow cell phones to be used in the labor and delivery area, so you may want to ask about it ahead of time.

• A going-home outfit. Bring something roomy and easy to get into (believe it or not, you'll probably still look 5 or 6 months pregnant ) — along with a pair of flat shoes. The last thing you'll be worrying about when you go home is whether your outfit is fashionable.

For your baby

• An infant car seat. You can't drive your baby home without one! In fact, you'll want to have the seat properly installed ahead of time, and you'll want to know exactly how to correctly buckle in your baby.

• A going-home outfit (one-piece stretchy outfits are easiest) and a snowsuit if it's very cold. Include a pair of socks or booties if the outfit doesn't have feet.

• A receiving blanket (a heavy one if the weather's cold)

• A cap (although they'll usually give you one at the hospital)

• Baby nail clippers or emery board. "The hospital where my son was born didn't supply clippers for fear of liability, and as a result my son gouged his face before he was 12 hours old," says Jen Morin of Vancouver, British Columbia.

What not to bring

• Jewelry

• Lots of cash, credit cards, or any other valuables

• Work. Yes, we actually know fast-track types who have sent business e-mails from the hospital room, made work-related phone calls, and reviewed spreadsheets. But we don't recommend it.


Selasa, Desember 09, 2008

Changing Table...

Delphi Changing Table
Item No. A011023

Ships in 2-3 weeks

  • 36"W x 20"D x 36"H
  • Cubby 11”W x 18”D x 14”H
  • Crafted Of: Baltic birch plywood
  • Finish: Clear painted/stained non-yellowing non-toxic
  • Assembly Required: No
  • Options:
    Colors: View

    Nursing Apron nih..

    Bébé au Lait Nursing Cover
    Beautiful shawl with a structured opening at the top allows for discreet nursing while maintaining eye contact between mother and child.
    • Adjustable strap at neck.
    • Terry cloth pocket.
    • Approx. dimensions: 34 1/2"W x 25 1/2"L.
    • Cotton; machine wash.
    • By Bébé au Lait; imported.
    • Kids' Wear.


    Senin, Desember 08, 2008

    Breastfeeding Support

    My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow

    This nursing pillow is preferred by lactation experts...because it helps new moms breastfeed more comfortably and successfully. It elevates baby into the perfect position so she can latch on easily, which helps eliminate nipple soreness. The patented back support keeps mom comfortable and helps relieve neck and shoulder strain. Adjusts to fit all waists, and (unlike others) stays firmly in place. A secure way for dad to feed baby, too. With handy pocket and machine washable cover.

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    3. Harga : Rp.????

    Nursing Pillow

    1. Nursing Pillow biar nyusuin gak capek tangannya menyanggga bayi
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    4. Harga : Rp

    Action Nih...