Kamis, Desember 11, 2008

Kamar Bayi Aman dan Nyaman

Kamar Bayi Aman dan Nyaman


Boks bayi (baby crib) dan meja ganti (changing station) wajib ada di kamar bayi, ditambah kursi nyaman untuk si ibu.

Menanti kelahiran sang buah hati menjadi saat yang menyenangkan bagi setiap ibu. Termasuk berburu pernak-pernik bayi dan menyiapkan kamar sang bayi.

Kita perlu menciptakan suasana tenang dan nyaman di dalam kamar bayi. Tidak saja penting bagi si bayi, tapi juga si ibu. Karena hampir sembilan puluh persen waktu dipergunakan bayi untuk tidur dan ibu untuk menyusui.

Changing station

Kebutuhan bayi yang harus ada di dalam kamarnya adalah boks bayi (baby crib) dan meja ganti (changing station). Boks bayi harus memiliki pagar untuk menjaga bayi tidak jatuh. Lengkapi juga dengan kelambu untuk melindungi bayi dari nyamuk dan debu.

Di dekat boks bisa diletakkan meja ganti, sebaiknya berupa satu set meja berlaci (dresser drawer). Bagian atas meja dialasi bantalan empuk atau matras untuk tempat bayi ditidurkan. Sedangkan laci-laci di bawahnya untuk menyimpan pakaian, popok dan perlengkapan lain. “Dengan demikian si ibu bisa mengambil perlengkapan tanpa perlu berpindah tempat sambil tetap bisa menjaga bayinya,” ujar Ayu Sawitri Joddy, seorang desainer interior jebolan IKJ (Institut Kesenian Jakarta).

Jika memungkinkan, letak kamar bayi sebaiknya dekat kamar mandi agar mudah mengambil air untuk keperluan mandi sang bayi. Sementara buat si ibu sediakan tempat yang nyaman untuk menyusui. Bisa berupa sofa tunggal dengan stool (tempat penyangga kaki) atau sebuah daybed.

Jika si ibu merasa nyaman berbaring, tempatkan saja satu tempat tidur tunggal berdekatan dengan boks bayi. Untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhan itu luasan kamar yang dibutuhkan minimal 2 x 2 meter persegi.

Warna untuk stimulasi

Kamar juga perlu dirancang untuk memberi stimulasi yang baik bagi bayi. Pada dasarnya bayi berusia 0-6 bulan hanya bisa melihat segala sesuatu secara hitam putih. Menerapkan warna-warna primer seperti merah, biru, pink, hitam dan putih, dianggap cukup baik untuk melatih penglihatan bayi. Kita bisa mengaplikasikannya sebagai aksen pada kamar bayi. Misalnya, untuk warna tirai, sprei, wallpaper, atau mainan yang digantung dekat boks bayi.

Sementara sapuan warna untuk keseluruhan dinding sebaiknya tetap yang berkesan lembut dan hangat seperti warna-warna pastel. “Hindari warna kuning menyolok karena terlalu terang hingga bisa membuat pusing,” kata wanita cantik yang mengelola konsultan dan kontraktor arsitektur serta interior PT Terra Wastu Kanaka itu.

Meski tidak mengenali warna, bayi cukup peka terhadap benda-benda di sekitarnya. Kita dapat menghadirkan figur-figur kartun dan gambar binatang pada motif wall paper, atau mural (lukisan) pada salah satu dinding, untuk menarik matanya. Tapi, sebaiknya jangan terlalu berlebihan.

Harus aman

Ayu menyarankan untuk menyiapkan kamar bayi sedikitnya dua atau tiga bulan sebelum bayi lahir. Pasalnya, bau cat atau zat kimia lain yang masih baru bisa berbahaya buat bayi dan mengganggu kenyamanan ibunya.

Pastikan juga bahan kimia untuk cat dinding maupun bahan finishing untuk boks bayi dan furnitur lainnya tidak beracun (nontoxic). ”Paling penting untuk bayi adalah safety, safety dan safety,” paparnya.

Lokasi kamar bayi sebaiknya di bagian rumah yang tidak bersisian langsung dengan jalan. Agar tidak terlalu bising dan mengurangi masuknya polusi udara.

Usahakan letak boks bayi tidak dekat jendela agar terhindar dari sinar terang langsung terutama saat bayi tidur siang hari. Jika ada jendela besar, tutup dengan tirai yang bisa mengurangi terang sinar yang masuk.

Sebaiknya lantai kamar bayi tidak dilapisi karpet secara penuh karena bisa menyimpan debu dan dapat menimbulkan bakteri. Sama dampaknya jika kita memenuhi kamar bayi dengan banyak boneka. Karena itu cukup tempatkan karpet lepas pada lokasi tertentu, misalnya diantara boks bayi dan meja ganti. Halimatussadiyah

Tips Memilih Furnitur untuk Bayi

  • Sebaiknya pilih ranjang bayi dengan bentuk fleksibel supaya bisa disesuaikan dengan perkembangan anak.
  • Pilih furnitur dari bahan kayu utuh (solid) yang lebih kuat dan tahan lama.
  • Boks bayi wajib memiliki pagar samping. Perhatikan jarak antar batang pagarnya, sebaiknya tidak lebih dari enam sentimeter agar bayi tidak lolos.
  • Finishing furnitur harus halus, tidak ada tekstur kasar. Pastikan tidak ada paku yang menonjol keluar.
  • Pilih furnitur yang ujung-ujungnya membulat atau melengkung, bukan yang menyudut tajam agar tidak berbahaya bagi bayi.
  • Ukuran kasur atau matras harus pas dengan ukuran bidang boks bayi sehingga tidak terbentuk jarak antara kasur dan boks.

Packing list for the hospital or birth center

Packing list for the hospital or birth center

Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board
Last updated: July 2008

You may want to pack two small bags for the hospital or birth center: one for the items you'll need during labor and another for items that you won't need until after you give birth. Here's a list of things that experienced moms recommend packing. You may also want to ask your caregiver, childbirth educator, or doula for tips on what to bring.

For labor

• Your birth plan.

• Your insurance card and any hospital paperwork you need.

• Your eyeglasses, if you need any. Even if you usually wear contacts, you'll probably need or want to take them out at some point during your stay.

• Toiletries. Include items you might want during labor and your postpartum stay, such as lip balm, a toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, a brush and comb, and makeup, if it's important to you. Hospitals will have soap, shampoo, and lotion, but you might prefer your own brands. Don't forget a hair band and barrettes, if you think you might want them.

• A bathrobe, nightgown, slippers, and a couple of pairs of socks. Hospitals provide gowns for you to use during labor and afterward, but most will allow you to wear your own clothes if you prefer. Choose something loose and comfortable that you don't mind getting ruined.

You'll need to wear a gown instead of pants so that your practitioner can check your cervix. Choose one that's either sleeveless or has short, loose sleeves so your blood pressure can be checked easily and so you can slip the gown off without difficulty if you want to change and have an IV in place.

You might also want to bring your own slippers and robe for walking around during the early stages of labor. If you don't want to risk soiling your robe, you can ask for a second hospital gown to wear as a robe to cover your backside.

• Something light to read, if you're so inclined. (This might be especially helpful if you're heading to the hospital to be induced and might be there quite a while before you have any serious contractions to deal with.)

• Massage oils or lotions, music, an extra pillow, whatever you need to help you relax. (If you do bring your own pillow, be sure to use a patterned or colorful pillowcase so it doesn't get mixed up with the hospital's.) Consider bringing tennis balls or a rolling pin in case you have back labor and need them for massage.

• Talismans, a picture of someone or something you love, anything you find reassuring.

For your partner/labor coach

• Money for parking and change for vending machines.

• A few basic toiletries, such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant.

• A change of clothes.

• Some snacks and something to read during the early stages.

• A camera/video camera with memory card and batteries (or film or tape). Someone has to document the big event! (Note: Not all hospitals allow videotaping of the birth itself, but there's usually no rule against taping during labor or after the birth.)

• A bathing suit. If your partner wants to take a bath or shower during labor, you may want to jump in with her.


• A fresh nightgown, if you prefer to wear your own.

• Snacks! After many hours of labor, you're likely to be pretty hungry, and you don't want to have to rely on the hospital's food. So bring your own — crackers, fresh or dried fruit, nuts, granola bars, or whatever you think you'll enjoy. A bottle of nonalcoholic champagne might be fun for celebrating, too.

• A nursing bra, breast pads, and maternity underwear. Chances are, whatever underwear you do wear the first few days will get stained, even with sanitary pads (which the hospital provides).

• Your address book and prepaid phone card or cell phone. After the baby's born you'll want to call family and friends to let them know the good news. Some hospitals don't allow cell phones to be used in the labor and delivery area, so you may want to ask about it ahead of time.

• A going-home outfit. Bring something roomy and easy to get into (believe it or not, you'll probably still look 5 or 6 months pregnant ) — along with a pair of flat shoes. The last thing you'll be worrying about when you go home is whether your outfit is fashionable.

For your baby

• An infant car seat. You can't drive your baby home without one! In fact, you'll want to have the seat properly installed ahead of time, and you'll want to know exactly how to correctly buckle in your baby.

• A going-home outfit (one-piece stretchy outfits are easiest) and a snowsuit if it's very cold. Include a pair of socks or booties if the outfit doesn't have feet.

• A receiving blanket (a heavy one if the weather's cold)

• A cap (although they'll usually give you one at the hospital)

• Baby nail clippers or emery board. "The hospital where my son was born didn't supply clippers for fear of liability, and as a result my son gouged his face before he was 12 hours old," says Jen Morin of Vancouver, British Columbia.

What not to bring

• Jewelry

• Lots of cash, credit cards, or any other valuables

• Work. Yes, we actually know fast-track types who have sent business e-mails from the hospital room, made work-related phone calls, and reviewed spreadsheets. But we don't recommend it.


Selasa, Desember 09, 2008

Changing Table...

Delphi Changing Table
Item No. A011023

Ships in 2-3 weeks

  • 36"W x 20"D x 36"H
  • Cubby 11”W x 18”D x 14”H
  • Crafted Of: Baltic birch plywood
  • Finish: Clear painted/stained non-yellowing non-toxic
  • Assembly Required: No
  • Options:
    Colors: View

    Nursing Apron nih..

    Bébé au Lait Nursing Cover
    Beautiful shawl with a structured opening at the top allows for discreet nursing while maintaining eye contact between mother and child.
    • Adjustable strap at neck.
    • Terry cloth pocket.
    • Approx. dimensions: 34 1/2"W x 25 1/2"L.
    • Cotton; machine wash.
    • By Bébé au Lait; imported.
    • Kids' Wear.


    Senin, Desember 08, 2008

    Breastfeeding Support

    My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow

    This nursing pillow is preferred by lactation experts...because it helps new moms breastfeed more comfortably and successfully. It elevates baby into the perfect position so she can latch on easily, which helps eliminate nipple soreness. The patented back support keeps mom comfortable and helps relieve neck and shoulder strain. Adjusts to fit all waists, and (unlike others) stays firmly in place. A secure way for dad to feed baby, too. With handy pocket and machine washable cover.

    1. Fungsi : Menyangga bayi disaat menyusui agar lengan tidak kelelahan menyangga tubuh bayi
    2. Bisa dibeli di Renatashopshop.multiply.com, Lemonde
    3. Harga : Rp.????

    Nursing Pillow

    1. Nursing Pillow biar nyusuin gak capek tangannya menyanggga bayi
    2. Sumber : www.onestepahead.com
    3. Bisa dibeli di renatashopshop.multiply.com
    4. Harga : Rp

    Action Nih...

    Jumat, Desember 05, 2008

    created by www.donghaeng.net

    Rabu, Desember 03, 2008

    Pemasukan Nov 2008

    1. Gaji bulanan : Rp.6.372.933
    2. Bonus bulanan : Rp.2.552.000
    3. Biaya Pengobatan :

    KPM Kendaraan Mandiri

    KPM Kendara Mandiri
    KPM Kendara Mandiri Kendara Mandiri adalah kredit dari Bank Mandiri yang diberikan kepada perorangan untuk keperluan pembelian mobil baru atau bekas
    - (F.A.Q)

    Keuntungan bagi nasabah :

    • Suku Bunga Kompetitif
    • Limit Kredit sampai dengan Rp 2 Milyar
    • DP mulai dari 20%, tergantung type mobil
    • Proses Mudah dan Cepat (keputusan maksimal 2 hari kerja setelah dokumen dan persyaratan lengkap)
    • Jangka waktu kredit sampai dengan 5 tahun

    Persyaratan :

    • WNI, domisili di Indonesia
    • Umur min 21 -maks 55 tahun (untuk pegawai) atau 60 tahun (untuk professional/wiraswasta) saat kredit lunas
    • Pegawai : berstatus pegawai tetap dan masa kerja minimal 2 tahun
    • Wiraswasta/ professional : pengalaman minimal 2 tahun
    • Tinggal di rumah sendiri atau bersama orang tua/ mertua
    • Syarat dan ketentuan umum berlaku

    Persyaratan Dokumen


    Jenis Dokumen





    Formulir Aplikasi diisi lengkap





    Identitas diri pemohon dan suami/istri (KTP/Paspor)





    Surat nikah/cerai bagi yang telah menikah/bercerai





    Kartu Keluarga





    Rekening Koran/tabunagan 3 bln terakhir (penampungan penghasilan)





    NPWP* (untuk permohonan kredit > Rp. 50 juta) atau SPT PPH 21





    Bukti kepemilikan rumah




    Asli Slip gaji terakhir/surat keterangan penghasilan



    Ijin Usaha: SIUP



    Ijin Usaha Profesi


    Informasi lebih lanjut :

    Call Mandiri , 14000 atau (021) 5299-7777
    Atau hubungi Cabang Bank Mandiri terdekat di kota anda

    Pamper Mission minggu I Des 2008

    Dana's Weekly Pamper Mission

    This weeks Pamper Mission:
    Dear Friends,

    While I was out running errands recently, I noticed so many people who really looked frazzled. Several were wearing pajama bottoms and fluffy slippers, but unfortunately did not look like they were having a fun time at a pajama party.

    Do your best to take care of yourself during the holiday season. Get enough rest, lay out your clothing the night before, bathe and apply moisturizer, and run a comb through your hair. Wear comfortable but stylish clothing. When you look good, you feel good, and you have more energy and confidence to handle extra tasks this time of year.

    Basics really matter. If your weight has changed, make sure you have a comfortable pair of jeans or a pair of black pants to wear to make it through the next few weeks. I just found a great fitting pair of jeans to replace a bad purchase I made several months ago. I can't tell you how much more comfortable I am in jeans that are a good fit rather than in jeans that gap at the waistband and have to be pulled up all the time! LOL

    Remember, it's much easier to finish up your shopping in a great pair of jeans and comfortable lace up shoes rather than fighting the crowds in your flannel pajamas and pink bunny slippers! The bunnies always trip you up when you're in a hurry!

    Take great care of yourself! You are so worth it!


    Selasa, Desember 02, 2008

    Sneak Peak MIngguan 1-6 Des 2008

    Sneak Peek for the Week!

    Dear Friends,

    Welcome to your Sneak Peek for the Week! This email will give you the missions and overview for the week - sort of like a secret newsletter!! This email will be long in length but filled with fun and information!


    Sneak Peek for the Week: November 30 - December 6,2008


    New Tools in the FlyShop -

    Holiday Shipping Information:

    We will be shipping for the holidays until December 19, 2008. Please do not procrastinate on your gifts from the FlyShop, we will do our very best to get things to you quickly, but we are at the mercy of the postal service. Please place your orders early!

    Go and check out all the fun stocking stuffers and affordable gifts available in the Fly Shop: www.flylady.net you can get RoyalRags in a Bag, The Hey Tom Car Duster, The famous Rubba Scrubba, I'm So Proud of you Pens and pencils, the 3 pack of Dish towels or I'm FLYing lanyard, all of these are priced under $11.00 each and some are only $4.95 each!!!

    Do you have your Flylady Calendar yet?!! The fabulous FlyLady calendar is available in the Fly Shop! If you have not gotten yours yet, don't procrastinate any longer. These are hands down the best tool to keep your families informed as to what is going on everyday. They have huge blocks to be able to plan for more than one person and come with tons of fun stickers! To check them out and all the fun packages go to:



    New Habit for December 2008 - Pampering!!!

    Spend a few minutes each day taking care of yourself. Take time to rest! Eat good food and drink your water. Then do something really special for yourself: a bubble bath to relax, sit with a cup of something warm or enjoy a few minutes reading your favorite book.

    December is filled with hustle and bustle! Slow down and give yourself a gift of pampering! You can do anything for 15 minutes! Even pamper you!


    Zone 1 Missions - The Front Porch, Entrance & Dining Room - plus bonus missions for Zone 5 - the Living Room/Family Room


    Dear Friends:

    We are in Zone 1 this week, that is the Front Porch, the Entrance area and the Dining Room.

    Today you are to sweep your front porch area around your front door. Shake out your welcome mats and wipe down your front door. This makes a huge difference in how your home looks. We have a tendency to neglect this area and yet it is the first thing that people see when they come to your home.

    Spend 15 minutes taking care of this, you will be pleased with the results!

    5 Minute Rescue for the Living Room - Set a timer and spend 5 minutes: tossing the trash and putting things away.



    Dear Friends:

    We are going to have a multi room mission today, it might take you longer than 15 minutes to do it, so set your timer for each room and FLY through it!

    For the Front Porch, Entrance and Dining Room, put out the fires that are burning in your hot spots. Get rid of the pile of shoes by the front door, get rid of the pile of junk mail and put away the magazines and school papers that are piled on the dining room table.

    They are smoldering so get to it!

    5 Minute Rescue for the Living Room - Set a timer and spend 5 minutes: tossing the trash and putting things away.



    Dear Friends:

    Today take a look at the walls and the windows in your dining room. Grab some cleaner and a cloth and go after the finger prints and smudges that those mysterious little elves seem to leave behind as they run through your house when no one is looking! LOL

    Be careful with the walls as not to rub too hard to remove paint if you have a flat finish.

    5 Minute Rescue for the Living Room - Set a timer and spend 5 minutes: tossing the trash and putting things away.



    Dear Friends:

    We are heading into the Entrance area of your home today. Let's grab all those shoes, books and jackets that seem to pile up right by the front door and put them away. In my house, no one ever drops their things there, they get up and walk there all by themselves! LOL! Grab these things and set your timer. I bet you can do this in less than 15 minutes.

    5 Minute Rescue for the Living Room - Set a timer and spend 5 minutes: tossing the trash and putting things away.



    Dear Friends:

    Today we are going to do that in the Dining Room and Entrance Way. Let's go after the ceilings, light fixtures and window sills!

    Using a feather duster or dust rag get the window sills, the light fixtures, the dusties in the corners and the ceiling fan if you have one (remember to put something underneath this to catch the falling debris, one member uses an old pillow case and slips it over the blade and wipes so the dust stays in the case, I thought this was brilliant!)

    This is one babystep at a time! Keep Flying!

    5 Minute Rescue for the Living Room - Set a timer and spend 5 minutes: tossing the trash and putting things away.



    Do you Twitter? FlyLady and Kelly Twitter! We are thrilled to be a part of the Twitter trend. You can follow FlyLady @theflylady and Kelly @flyladykelly (for specific challenges and missions throughout the day on twitter follow @flyladykelly)

    Come join us as we Twitter our way to a peaceful home.


    When you post in Twitter put #flylady so we can see each other.



    Use this link for the current radio show schedules:


    Go and check out the homepage of Blog Talk Radio - you will see the FlyLady has its own link on the navigation bar and when you click on it there are some really fun surprises there - it is really amazing!! You will need to be a member to see all of the fun new features that are there for you! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/



    We saved the BEST for LAST! Just as with Blessing Your Heart, taking care of you is an important part of FLYing. Every week on our homepage www.FlyLady.net we have a new Pamper Mission for you! Go to the homepage and scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the Hot Pink section titled Pamper Mission. Make a commitment to yourself to do this mission every single week!


    Whew! You have reached the end of the Sneak Peek for the Week!!

    Have a great week everyone and remember: WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU!


    31 Beginner Baby Steps

    Dear Precious New Member,

    I know that you have become overwhelmed by your home and the chaos that
    you have been living in. We are here to help you and it doesn’t cost you
    a dime. Keep in mind that your home did not get this way overnight and it
    is not going to get clean in a day. We are going to teach you how to take
    babysteps and establish little routines for getting rid of your clutter
    and maintaining your home. This system will work for anyone; it doesn’t
    matter if you work outside of your home, stay home with children, retired
    or work at home. You can do this, you have just needed someone to
    pat you on the back and give you a great big hug to get you started.

    The voices that you hear in your head keep telling you that you are
    behind and you have to get it all done now! We are going to quiet those
    negative voices that are beating you up constantly and replace with a
    loving gentle voice that tells you that you are not behind and you can do
    this one babystep at a time!

    Please do not get impatient with the process. Everything we do is going
    to help you replace those voices that put you down. We are here to lift
    you up and celebrate every little accomplishment.

    Your very first babystep is to go shine your sink. Don’t listen to those
    voices that tell you that is not going to help your messy house. This is
    exactly where I started and this little habit has changed my life! Take
    this babystep in faith and go do it. Here are the directions for shining
    your kitchen sink.

    Day 1

    Go Shine your sink.


    After you do this; you will keep it shiny by drying it out after each
    time you use it and making sure when you go to bed that it is shining so
    it will make you smile in the morning. This is how I get to hug you each
    day! That shiny sink is a reflection of the love that you have for

    Our FlyLady system is all about establishing little habits that sting
    together into simple routines to help your day run on automatic pilot.
    You can do this!

    Day 2

    Today I want you get up and get dressed to lace up shoes when you first
    get up in the morning. This means fix your hair and face too.

    In order for us to change ourselves we need to remind ourselves of what
    we are doing. I did this with yellow sticky notes throughout my home to
    guide me through my day. This was the beginning of my home control
    journal. I had little notes on my bathroom mirror to remind me to get
    dressed to shoes. When you see the many reminders in your inbox from
    Yahoo; just think of them as yellow sticky notes. You don’t have to do
    them yet; they are just there as a little reminder. Read the subject line
    and you will be absorbing the flow of them. Do not allow those voices in
    your head to say this can’t possible work with so many emails. Then when
    you hear those voices say I don’t have time. Set a timer for 2 minutes
    and just read a little and then delete at will.

    Shine your sink before you go to bed.

    Day 3

    Today you are doing what we have already done. -Getting up and dressing
    to lace up shoes -Keeping your sink shining -Reading your reminders for 2

    Then I want you to read something on our website. This will help you to
    understand more about what we are doing and how together with our
    reminders, essays and testimonials you are going to see changes in your
    home and attitude.


    Day 4

    So far we are;

    - Getting Dressed to lace up shoes - Keeping our sink shining - Reading 2
    minutes of Reminders

    Your next thing is to write these things down on a sticky note and post
    them on your bathroom mirror and above your kitchen sink. This is the
    beginning of your Control Journal. The little notes help us to remember
    the habits we are trying to establish.

    Day 5

    - Getting Dressed to lace up shoes - Keeping our sink shining - Reading 2
    minutes of Reminders - Looking at our posted reminders in the kitchen and

    Are you hearing any of those nagging negative voices popping into your
    head? I want you to take a piece of paper and write down what you hear
    then I want you to turn those ugly words around and say something nice to
    yourself to negate the ugly words that they said.

    Day 6 - Getting Dressed to lace up shoes - Keeping our sink shining -
    Reading 2 minutes of Reminders - Looking at our posted reminders in the
    kitchen and bathroom - Recognizing the negative voices when you hear them
    and changing the words to be nice to you. That is what FLYing (Finally
    Loving Yourself) is all about.

    Today we are going to learn about Hot Spots. We all have them. Here is a
    link on our website to read the definition of a Hot Spot.


    Now I want you to set your timer for 2 minutes and let’s practice
    putting out your Hot Spot. You don’t have to work till you have finished;
    just do what you can in 2 minutes. Put your bills in one place. This will
    keep you from having to search for them.

    Day 7

    - Getting Dressed to lace up shoes - Keeping our sink shining - Reading 2
    minutes of Reminders - Looking at our posted reminders in the kitchen and
    bathroom - Recognizing the negative voices; change them and FLY! - Put
    out your Hot Spot for 2 minutes; just pick one.

    Today we are going to add a new habit to our before bed routine. Tonight
    before you hop in bed; I want you to pick out what clothes you are going
    to wear tomorrow. You can lay them on a chair, on a shelf or hook in the
    bathroom or on a hanger on your closet door knob.

    Day 8

    Here you are; you have been FLYing for a whole week. I am so proud of
    you. Let’s review your new habits. I am going to break them down into
    what you do each morning and what you do each evening.

    Morning Routine

    - Get up and get dressed to lace up shoes; fixing your hair and face -
    Looking at your posted reminders in the kitchen and bathroom - Reading 2
    minutes of reminders - Recognizing the negative voices and changing them;
    YOU ARE FLYing NOW! - Put out your Hot Spots for 2 minutes

    Before Bed Routine

    - Keep your sink shining - Lay out your clothes for tomorrow - Put out
    your Hot Spot (I have to do this twice a day) It makes me smile in the

    Over the last week we have introduced you to our reminders and the basis
    of our routines. As you establish these habits it will become easy to add
    another habit for you to practice.

    Today I want you to find an old three ring binder and just put some paper
    in it. Then at the top of one page write Morning Routine and on the top
    of another page write Before Bed Routine all in pencil. This is a working
    document; do not allow your perfectionism to interfere with the process.
    Now you can write your simple routines on each page.

    Day 9

    Here is what we are already doing; Look in your Control Journal; leave
    the sticky notes up to help remind you. It takes us 28 days to develop a
    new habit. These are just BabySteps on our way to a new way of living.

    Morning Routine

    - Get up and get dressed to lace up shoes; fixing your hair and face -
    Looking at your posted reminders in the kitchen and bathroom - Reading 2
    minutes of reminders - Recognizing the negative voices and changing them;
    YOU ARE FLYing NOW! - Put out your Hot Spots for 2 minutes

    Before Bed Routine

    - Keep your sink shining - Lay out your clothes for tomorrow - Put out
    your Hot Spot (I have to do this twice a day) It makes me smile in the

    Today we are going to learn how to declutter our homes a few minutes at a
    time with some fun tools that I know you have been wondering about from
    the reminders you have been reading in our emails. Making it fun will get
    the job done!


    Add a 5 minute room rescue to your Morning Routine.

    Day 10

    Morning Routine

    - Get up and get dressed to lace up shoes; fixing your hair and face -
    Looking at your posted reminders in the kitchen and bathroom - Reading 2
    minutes of reminders - Recognizing the negative voices and changing them;
    YOU ARE FLYing NOW! - Put out your Hot Spots for 2 minutes - 5 Minute
    Room Rescue (pick any room in the house) set your timer and go!

    Before Bed Routine

    - Keep your sink shining - Lay out your clothes for tomorrow - Put out
    your Hot Spot (I have to do this twice a day) It makes me smile in the

    We have already been using our timers for 2 minutes and now 5 minutes.
    Today we are going to learn the power of just 15 minutes. You can do
    anything for 15 minutes. This is all about getting started and giving
    ourselves permission to stop when the timer goes off. You cannot restart
    the timer either. This is not a race to finish in 15 minutes either! The
    timer helps to keep us focused on what we are doing.

    Now set your timer for 15 minutes and go gather up all the trash you can
    find to throw away and put it in the garbage can outside. Then set your
    timer for another 15 minutes and sit down and put your feet up and read a
    favorite magazine till the timer goes off.

    Day 11

    Morning Routine

    - Get up and get dressed to lace up shoes; fixing your hair and face -
    Looking at your posted reminders in the kitchen and bathroom - Reading 2
    minutes of reminders - Recognizing the negative voices and changing them;
    YOU ARE FLYing NOW! - Put out your Hot Spots for 2 minutes - 5 Minute
    Room Rescue (pick any room in the house) set your timer and go! -15
    Decluttering each day. You can’t Organize Clutter!

    Before Bed Routine

    - Keep your sink shining - Lay out your clothes for tomorrow - Put out
    your Hot Spot (I have to do this twice a day) It makes me smile in the

    Today we are going to add another page to our Control Journals. We are
    going to call this our Inspirational Page. On this page I want you to
    spend 15 minutes writing down some of your favorite inspirational
    phrases. Some of mine are; You can do anything for 15 minutes, Housework
    done incorrectly still blesses your family and You can’t organize
    clutter; you can only get rid of it. I know you have others that you
    love. Use this page as a place to write them down when you see something
    that touches your heart.

    Day 12

    Check your Morning Routine in your Control Journal

    Check your Before Bed Routine in your Control Journal

    Keep the sticky notes up to help remind you to look at your Control
    Journal. Can you believe that you have been FLYing for 12 days? I am so
    proud of you! BabySteps will get you there.

    You have your basic routine started and these are what you do for now. Do
    not try to do too much too fast; you will just crash and burn. Continue
    to take BabySteps to build your Control Journals. Do not allow your
    perfectionism to take over. We are building our routines and our Control
    Journals one habit at a time.

    Today I want you to delete from your inbox all the emails from FlyLady.
    Now don’t cringe. They will all come back around and I write something
    new every day.

    Day 13

    Check your Morning Routine in your Control Journal

    Check your Before Bed Routine in your Control Journal

    Today I want you to find one of Kelly’s Missions and go and do it. They
    are fast and easy! This is going to introduce you to how we break our
    home into zones so that we never have to spring clean again.


    Here is what we are doing so far. We are practicing our Morning
    Routines, decluttering for 15 minutes a day and doing our Before Bed

    Day 14

    Check your Morning Routine in your Control Journal

    Check your Before Bed Routine in your Control Journal

    There is tons of information on our website. I do not want you to get
    confused. Today I want you to go read an essay that Kelly wrote. Most of
    us are calendar challenged. Kelly has a way of making it so easy for us
    to understand.


    Day 15 Check Your Control Journal Every Morning and Evening

    You are starting on our third week of FLYing. Each day you are going to
    your Control Journal and using your sticky notes to remind you along with
    the reminders that you are getting in our inbox. Our habits are coming
    along nicely and we are seeing changes in our attitudes and our homes.

    On our new week of FLYing you are going to add Making your bed to your
    morning routine. If you will do this as soon as your feet hit the floor
    you are less likely to forget it.

    Day 16

    Check Your Control Journal Every Morning and Evening

    Today I want you to look in your inbox for an email from me. It can be a
    Morning Musing, a testimonial or an essay. Just take a few minutes and
    read over it. You never know what I am going to discuss.

    Day 17

    Check Your Control Journal Every Morning and Evening

    Today I want you to think about what time you are going to bed each
    night. Set a specific bed time and stick to it. You need your rest. Put
    this on your Before Bed Routine.

    Day 18

    Check Your Control Journal Every Morning and Evening

    Did you know that we have Eleven Commandments? You may want to print
    these out or write them in your Control Journal.


    Day 19

    Check Your Control Journal Every Morning and Evening

    Here is another inspirational testimonial that is the first page of my
    book, Sink Reflections. Your home can be this too. You are taking the
    babysteps to get you there.


    Day 20

    Check Your Control Journal Every Morning and Evening

    One of the many reminders that we send out has to do with our laundry;
    when you include laundry in your morning and evening routine this makes
    getting up and getting dressed much easier. Laundry doesn’t take long to
    do when we don’t procrastinate about one of the five steps: Sort, wash,
    dry, fold and put away. It only takes a few short minutes. When you
    include laundry in your routines everyone is blessed. Nothing says I love
    you more than clean underwear!

    Day 21

    Check Your Control Journal Every Morning and Evening

    Today I am going to show you something else on our website. Each
    day(Monday-Friday) our WebDude Lee puts up an Ask FlyLady Question and I
    answer it.


    Day 22

    Check Your Control Journal Every Morning and Evening

    Have you been procrastinating about building your Control Journal? I know
    that perfectionism can rear its ugly head and keep us stuck. If you just
    can’t seem to get yours together; I have made one for you. It is in our
    FLY Shop


    All the babystep directions are on the website too. Just click on the
    link underneath FlyLady’s feet.


    Day 23

    Check Your Control Journal Every Morning and Evening

    Today we are going to add another routine to our day. I like to call this
    our get home from work routine or get home from school. Whatever you name
    it; it is your afternoon routine.

    Make a new page in your Control Journal for your Afternoon Routine. As
    with any of your routines; you will have to adapt to fit your family.
    Your Control Journal is your guide for babystepping your way through you

    Day 24

    Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening

    One of the things that make our home always ready for company is the fact
    that our main bathroom is clean. Each morning as part of my Morning
    Routine I do something I call a Swish and a Swipe. This means I swish the
    toilet with a toilet bowl brush and I wipe down the counter tops and sink
    with a rag and put away all the things I have gotten out. This takes all
    of two minutes to keep our bathroom ready for anyone.

    Add Swish and Swipe to your Morning Routine

    Day 25

    Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening

    You have only been doing your routines for 25 days now. I am so proud of
    you. Keep in mind that you are not ever going to be perfect and we don’t
    expect you to be. In fact we don’t even like that “P” word. Right now you
    have your routines written down in your Control Journal. It will help you
    to practice them each day. These habits are not automatic yet; so you are
    still going to have to use your Control Journal, sticky notes and our
    reminders to help you establish your habits. Another tool you have is
    your calendar and stickers. We love giving ourselves a sticker when we
    are establishing a habit. I know that I have thrown a lot at you in the
    last 25 days but don’t give up now. Every time you do your routine you
    are one step closer to developing your habit and running on automatic
    pilot. Today I want you to read how I started developing my routines one
    habit at a time. It took me several months to do this and here I am
    expecting you to get it in four weeks. Well here is the deal; I don’t
    expect you to do this in one month. Be nice to yourself and don’t beat
    yourself up. Your consistent babysteps will get you there.


    Now go give yourself a gold star for doing your Morning Routine.

    Day 26

    Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening

    It takes us a month to establish a habit. I set it up this way because I
    knew that I would miss a day here and there and I didn’t want to throw
    the baby out with the bath water. That was how I had always done it with
    my perfectionism. If I missed a day I gave up; well I factored in this
    part of our personalities into our FlyLady system. This is why we take a
    whole month to establish one habit.

    Today I want you to go look at the bottom of any email that I have sent
    out. The first sentence is what I want you to look at and incorporate
    into you FLYing!

    Day 27

    Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening

    Today I want you to think about what you are fixing for dinner before
    6:00 pm rolls around. You can do it as part of your before bed routine
    for tomorrow or as part of your morning routine for today. Write this in
    your Control Journal.


    Day 28

    Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening

    Many times when we can’t seem to get going it is because we are not
    taking care of ourselves by eating right, drinking our water or getting
    enough sleep. As part of your routines I want you to remind yourself to
    eat good food, drink your water and get your rest.

    Day 29

    Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening

    We have worked very hard this past month. I hope that you have become
    familiar with our email FLY Washing system and you are seeing some
    progress in your home. It took me nine months of building my routines one
    habit at a time to get our home running on automatic pilot. Please do not
    beat yourself up over this. Anything you do today is better than it used
    to be! Celebrate each accomplishment and enjoy the process. Before you
    know it you will be having more time for the things that you love to do.

    Right now I want you to look at the bottom of our homepage and find the
    weekly Pamper Mission and read it. Then think about when you are going to
    do it. You may have to put it on your calendar to really make it happen.

    Day 30

    Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening

    Look at your calendar for next month. Does anyone have a birthday? We
    forget to send cards and purchase gifts. Put this on your errand list so
    you can to buy cards and gifts on your errand day. To learn more about a
    Basic Weekly Plan; You don’t have to start doing it yet. Just think about


    Day 31

    Check Your Control Journal Every Morning, Afternoon and Evening

    Don’t get bogged down by wanting to know everything about our system. As
    your clutter goes away you will find that you will have time to do the
    zone detailed cleaning, weekly home blessing hour and some of the fun
    things we do in our email and on the website. You don’t have to see the
    top of the staircase to take the first step or the 30th step; you just
    need to keep FLYing!

    I am so proud of you!

    Belanja Supermarket Ramayana

    Belanja Supermarket Ramayana

    1. Susu Hamil
    2. Susu kakak
    3. Susu Ayah

    Resep sehari-hari

    1. Tumis Kacang Panjang

    To DO LISt

    1. 04.00 : Bangun tidur
    2. 04.05 : Cuci muka

    Situs Bagus

    MIssus Smarty pants - Eleven Ways to Pamper Yourself

    Dear Friends,

    You may be limited with your time and money, especially now that the holidays are almost here. However, just a small investment in YOU will pay-off BIG!

    When you take time and self-nurture, you will be more energized and caring for those around you! Instead of short tempered and stressed! take time out for a pampering session and re-new your spirit!

    1. Take a bubble bath. With all the yummy holiday scents in the stores, find one whose scent relaxes you and softens your skin. After your bath, apply the lotion in the matching scent.

    2. Get a new hairstyle and look years younger. Nothing gives you a better feeling than a fresh hairstyle! Make sure the stylist shows you new styling techniques too.

    3. Moisturize your skin. You don't need to spend a lot on a moisturizer. Look for a product that has vitamin E, A and C for the best looking skin ever.

    4. Give yourself an at home spa for your hands and feet. Mix 1/4 cup of lavender oil and 1/2 cup of canola oil and 1 teaspoon of salt. Massage in and remove dead skin cells. Rinse with warm water.

    5. Purchase a pretty blouse in a vivid color that makes you feel special.

    6. Dress up your everyday outfit with a gold glittery handbag.

    7. Wear some soft fuzzy socks and read by the warm fire.

    8. Glitz up your basic black dress with a rhinestone belt or chandelier earrings.

    9. Dig into the bottom of your jewelry box and find a necklace or bracelet long forgotten and wear it again with something new.

    10. Buy a nail polish in your favorite color. Give yourself a manicure or pedicure.

    11. Treat yourself to new undergarments. Buy a new bra and panty matching set.

    Have fun!

    Leslie, Missus Smarty Pants


    Kelly here - MSP is so helpful and informative with all the fabulous tips, advice and ideas that are available to you on her website for helping us to dress well and feel our best in our clothes. www.MissusSmartyPants.com

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